Tuesday, March 16, 2010

a brief survey

a brief survey
Originally there were six laptops and users within drawing distance. Unfortunately, three decided to leave before I could record them on paper.


rachel awes said...

oooh! great sketches, topic/project, people watching!!

Anonymous said...

Nifty trick to disguise your sketchbook with your laptop. I'll have to remember that one! -Damien

Shalini said...

lol.. love the concept!! great idea and great sketches

aimee said...

how clandestine! i am impressed!

Lrc said...

Ha! I love watching people and wondering what their lives are like...

Karen Sandstrom said...

Suzanne: I just saw your note on the post before. I don't know if your difficulties are here and gone or still buzzing around like a mosquito on an August night. In any case, I thought maybe it was a good time to mention that when I only have time to look at link on my blog roll, it is always - bar none - An Open (Sketch)Book.
Your good cheer and good vibe always come through in your work. Thank you!

suzanne cabrera said...


That is without a doubt, one of the nicest comments I've ever received. Thank you so much. It means a great deal coming from someone whose talents and outlook on life I admire so much!

Krista Meister said...

I agree with graphiteandink... clever way to disguise your public sketching!