Sunday, March 21, 2010

holy peeps!

There is a lot of fun waiting to happen in the aisles of Target. Just look!
holy peepdom!
I love the blocks of color: so much so that I decided to use the handy color palette generator at Big Huge Labs to distill it. Have you used this tool before? I'm not certain how accurate it is, but it's still pretty nifty.
peep inspired
While we won't be painting our walls these colors, I could use them in an upcoming illustration. Who knows? Just something to store in the inspiration reservoir for later.


Jan said...

I have Target envy.

suzanne cabrera said...

And you rightly should :)

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

OK. I think I must have missed an episode.

What the bloody hell are peeps?

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Very cool!

Waterrose said...

So much peep fun....but I can only eat the pink and yellow... said...
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andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

eat? EAT?

suzanne cabrera said...

Sorry Andrea---these are the little bits of confectionary marshmallow 'goodness' that come out each year around Easter. It's definitely a love or hate thing. I have to try one each year to remember how much I dislike their taste....but they are nevertheless, pretty fun to look at!