Tuesday, September 05, 2006

wasting away in macaroni grill

This is from a few days ago. I think it goes without saying that these two didn't notice me drawing them.


Anonymous said...

I like the drawing!! Yeah they were pretty drunk; they must have been speaking in two and three word sentences out of necessity rather than preference. I’m So Drunk!!..............SFordahl

Jana Bouc said...

Hilarious! Such scintillating conversation. Macaroni grill is such a weird place, isn't it? There's one near me and people wait a long time to get a table which I don't really understand. The food's not bad but it's sort of like a fancy Italian Dennys with a bar, no?

suzanne cabrera said...

Steve- Thanks for visiting my blog! Perhaps I should take up permanent post at Macaroni Grill drawing drunk people. Do you think that is an acceptable profession?
Jana- I know exactly what you mean...I really like the Denny's with a bar analogy :)

Anonymous said...

And by the way, I waited on this dude that night. Bad, bad, bad tipper and loud.

Anonymous said...

Funny! Love the catchy title, too.