Saturday, September 30, 2006

welcome to my houseplant party

My friend invited me to a party tonight, but instead of going I am at home on a Saturday night drawing and naming my houseplants. I'm such a social misfit. I can't believe I even get invited to parties:)

Sorry the sketches are so small. You can click to enlarge, but please note the composition is two separate images.


Anonymous said...

*LOVE* the choice of names. Bertha is obviously the most outgoing of the group. : )

Anonymous said...

Hey social misfit. Naming your plants sure beats going to the mall (which i had to do) on a Saturday evening. Hahaah. I love PEANUT. Gosh, i would love to house peanut for a while and see how it does in the New Jersey light. :-) I love your drawings -- and again, your handwriting complements them so nicely.

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Fab idea and picture...again!

suzanne cabrera said...

Thanks Julie, France and Andrea for your feedback. France-Mall...Saturday....yeah, you win the reject award!

Gerald de Dios said...

I think it was a good thing you missed the party...otherwise, you wouldn't have made these nice plant sketches. Nothing wrong with that :)

Advise on your question: Try to stay with monotone colors. It's the safest way and will always work. If you decide to add another color, try a complimentary color...just as long as it helps the statue pop...just don't let the background overpower the main object. Feel free to email me if have more question. Good luck.

suzanne cabrera said...

Gerald- Thanks so much for the thoughtful advice. I will share what I'm working on once I'm finished.

Ester Wilson said...

I love your plant sketches! And hey, socially misfitting is not such a bad thing ;)

seastartrue said...

I'm glad you stayed home, if you had gone we'd miss that great picture of your plants.

I just read someone elses comment that said the same thing. So I should say ditto.


Jana Bouc said...

Wonderful drawings...and I'm with you! I'm such a hermit--my best friend had a lovely housewarming party and I made the invitations for her, using a watercolor I painted of her garden. I didn't go to the party, preferring to stay home and draw something equally important as houseplants, I'm sure. I really prefer time with friends one on one, rather than in parties. An evening at home with Bertha et al sounds just lovely to me!

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Sangeeta Ghodke said...

I love party.

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exploretalent said...

I love keeping up to date on everything new so i’ll definitely be bookmarking this website. Keep up the good work!