Thursday, March 15, 2007

feeling pretty darn springy

Ah, isn't everything more beautiful in spring time? I, for one, know my outlook on life is a whole lot brighter. It's nice to be able to walk to school without a coat, have dinner on the porch at dusk, play in the yard with Pokey. I can really relate to those who suffer from seasonal depression; in fact, I think I could easily fall in this category. I'd be horrible in Antarctica, wonderful in Aruba.

Today we took our drawing class outside to study architectonic forms. While it was wonderful breathing in the fresh air, none of my drawings of the landscape around us were turning out very well, so I decided to shift gears and focus on one my students instead.


margarida colorida said...

I´m starting my list of links in my blog. I would like to link yours, do you mind?

margarida colorida said...

By the way... nice sketch :).

Deborah said...

I love this cropped view of her. It is very interesting. The gesture is terrific.

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Oh this is really great. REALLY great. 'Dinner on the porch' that sounds too cool - there's no danger of that happening over here. Not just because of the weather - but because we don't even have porches!

Anonymous said...

You hav eso many varied styles! It's like looking at differents artist's works!!! There are some that look technical and others are very warm and earthy...

suzanne cabrera said...

Margarida- It would be a honor to be added to your list. I would like to add your blog to mine as well.

Andrea- You are welcome to come use my porch any time!

Yari- I like to try to stretch and use a variety of styles and media....however, sometimes its difficult because I'm never really sure what my "true style" is. I think this post is pretty close, but it could change tomorrow :)

suzanne cabrera said...

Oh and Deborah, thanks for visiting! The cropping happened somewhat by accident...she ran off the page...but I was also happy with how it turned out.

margarida colorida said...'s done :).

Michael said...

I like how you cropped most of the noggin (even though you say accidentally) out of the picture in this one. It puts the focus more on the drawing that the person is doing.

Anonymous said...

Love the sketch, it has a really nice sense of line.

"Architectonic" -- don't know the term. How's it different from plain old architecture?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colors and how confident your lines are... wow.
Oh and by the way -- we got snowed in today in NJ. Two days after having all windows open at night.

suzanne cabrera said...

Hi Julie- Good question. I just looked up the Webster's definition for architectonic which is "an artistic composition having a clearly defined structure." Beyond this, however, I think especially of exterior spaces that appear almost as interiors as they are surrounded by architecture. One example might be a courtyard...or a Venice example, St. Mark's Square.

suzanne cabrera said...

France- Believe me, I understand. It's back to fleece and scarf weather here. Yuck.

u l a n said...

this is such a pretty drawing.

E-J said...

What a wonderful drawing and an inspired crop!