Sunday, March 18, 2007

some things never change

I've been going through some old files tonight getting together portfolio items to share with my students tomorrow. Among the relics I've dug up are drawings from my undergraduate days as a editorial cartoonist for The Daily Tar Heel, UNC-Chapel Hill's student newspaper. Unfortunately, I'm still asking the same question I was asking in this cartoon.


Anonymous said...

I had to laugh when I saw this because it seems that it the life of all college students. Too bad we don't gow out of it! lol! Great drawing. Your Venice sketches are simply beautiful! I really like your style. Very talented.

Jana Bouc said...

This is so cute! Is that you in the picture? I've really enjoyed your Venice drawings and paintings. It sounds like a perfect holiday. I like your idea of staying put and really getting to know an area instead of rushing around.

Nancy Van Blaricom said...

Ohh, I've so enjoyed visiting and reading about your trip. I also loved the photos your friend is sharing with us all. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is envious.

Nina Johansson said...

I hear you! That feeling never ends, does it? Anyway, those last Venice pencil drawings are just fantastic - wow!

margarida colorida said...

Yes... unhappyly, sometimes I have the same problem! By the way, nice drowings you made from Venice... you lucky girl :)!