Wednesday, March 04, 2009

my latest, greatest, favortist illustrator

Just so you know, I've contracted a baaaaad case of inspiration.

You see, the other day I was visiting one of my favorite blogs, Penguin and Fish, and ran smack into the brilliant work of illustrator S. Britt.

His drawings make me happy...genuinely happy.

And, like smurf glasses, they transport me back in time. I get the same giddy pleasure browsing through S. Britt's drawings that I did attending story hour at the library as a 5-year-old. This doesn't happen everyday.

I like to pretend this is Pokey and me. You can pretend too:

So, if you also feel like being sick with inspiration, I suggest checking out S. Britt's website and blog for more goodies and some seriously funny (how's that for an oxymoron) writing.


Screwed Up Texan said...

The first pic shows an artist with real dedication!

The last pic reminds me of Charlie Brown...I so miss Charlie Brown!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! Love that retro look of his work.

Alyssa Thomas said...

Isn't he just the greatest! A lot of his work is woodcut prints too. How cool is that!

wagonized said...

Oh Suzanne! Do you know that i bought this album by Arlo years ago BECAUSE OF its cover? I had no idea what the band was like but i loved the cover so much, i had to have it!!!!!
I love his work too.
Thank you for posting this. What an inspiration indeed!

Green Girl said...

i agree...on my way to check it out, thanks=)

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

what a toally utterly amazing link. he's fabulous.

pve design said...

I feel a bad sickness coming on.

Ann said...

The ones you showed remind me of Sendak, especially the monster and the little girl with dog...