Tuesday, July 08, 2008

would you like some dirty socks with that salad?

How does that old saying go..."renters can't be choosers?"
This must be the case as I really, REALLY, REALLY dislike my kitchen. There are multiple reasons for this, not the least of which is bad fluorescent lighting that makes everything look green, a linoleum floor that is impossible to keep clean and rusty metal cabinets (yep, that's right...time for an update). But, the thing that grates on my nerves the most is that this is where the washer and dryer hookups are conveniently place. Tada! How convenient! My disdain is compounded by the fact that laundry is my least favorite chore (and, apparently, Edgar's as well :).

That is why, well, my kitchen looks like this today. The only thing that could make it worse is if this was the situation on the other side.


Anonymous said...

Interesting use of space... ARGHHH! For me, laundry is a never ending nightmare from which I never wake up. In my wildest fantasies, I live in a house with no dog hair (but still with dogs!) and a magic laundry fairy who comes in and not only does the laundry, but folds it and PUTS IT AWAY (the thing I never seem to be able to do!).

wagonized said...

Ok, so if you guys take a trip up north, bring your laundry! That is one chore I don't mind doing.

miguel taborda said...

i love this kind of fight club drawings

juj said...

I love laundry - but maybe because my laundry room - tho nothing special - is located far away from the rest of the house. It's quiet, it's dark, it smells like fresh laundry, and no one else cares to go in there so I get it all to myself. I doubt if I'd like it so much if it were smack in the middle of the kitchen.

I do love your drawing of it tho, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that someday you get your dream kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Your drawing reminds me of the kitchen in the first place I lived after getting married (in the mid-70's)- military housing at Mtn. Home AFB, Idaho - but the kitchen sink was next to the washer and dryer with just enough counter space for the dish rack and black linoleum floors. As much as I hated that kitchen, I still have fond memories! Go figure. Years from now you will laugh about it. I really enjoy your work.

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

cool, cool, cool.

Priscilla said...

OMG! Your kitchen sounds just like mine!!!!! Scary!!!!